AOSIS addresses the 57th UN General Assembly
2002-09-30 AOSIS Download PDFTopic: Sustainable Development
Mr. Chairman, I have the honor to speak on behalf of the thirty-seven member countries of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) that are members of the United Nations. In their name, may I offer you and your bureau our congratulations and support. Mr Chairman, There is much in this year’s agenda that warrants attention. We will need to return to some of the specific issues with detailed proposals at the appropriate time. In this general debate, however, we want to focus on aspects that are fundamental to the position of our group of countries. We hope that this might be of assistance to you, and to other delegations in appreciating our perspective on some of these issues. Developing country needs The AOSIS countries are all developing countries. We subscribe fully to the views expressed by the Chairman of the Group of 77 and China. We share completely what has been said by the Group of 77 about effective implementation, and the need for intensified efforts. It is, indeed, time to put ‘words into action’. Mr. Chairman, This has been an especially notable year in the international effort to realise the Millennium Development Goals. In March we achieved the Monterrey Consensus. Earlier this month we agreed in Johannesburg on the plan to implement sustainable development in every land. Both must be carried out if we are to realise the noble vision of Rio. Rightly, the focus is on halving extreme poverty by 2015. The condition of utter misery that condemns so many of our fellow humans worldwide is simply unacceptable. Monterrey Consensus In Monterrey, a constant refrain, by both developed and developing country, was about the appalling fact that half the world’s population live on less than $2 a day. Yet, the response of what to do, by whom and when, was never made precisely clear. In our view there are four central objectives if we are to ‘deliver’ Monterrey. • There is need to increase aid and make it more effective. We welcome the leadership positions taken by the European Union and the United States. But there are major shortfalls in the projected funding assistance needed, as we all know. There is clear need, and there are responsibilities on both sides, to make aid more effective. We believe that untying aid will have considerable impact on recipient countries. • There should be renewed commitment by developed countries to reduce trade barriers on competitive products from developing countries. Aid alone will not cure the conditions of poverty. Assistance to developing countries will be greatly enhanced and be more effective if there is reasonable access to markets. • There should be more initiatives, and greater innovation taken to broaden country coverage of private flows to emerging markets. We make this point with great seriousness, because small countries such as ours are marginalised and not normally attractive to private flows and investments. • There is need for a stronger voice for developing countries, and small island States in particular, in the worlds’ financial institutions. Mr Chairman, The political commitment and direction provided by Agenda 21 and the Barbados Programme of Action (BPOA) for the sustainable development of small island States (SIDS) have been used as the benchmark for measuring progress and the achievements of the last 10 years. There is international recognition, much appreciated by our countries, of the special ‘case’ of small islands, and their situation and responsibilities as custodians of vast ocean spaces. However, the trends of the past decade show that the approach to date has not been working to the scale necessary for sustainable development. Achievements have been fragmented and have not been multiplied or sustained or, perhaps, not directed to areas of greatest need. It is why small island developing States have focused on ‘what next’, and looking at what should constitute concrete actions and specific initiatives for the ‘next steps’. It is why we readily join in celebrating the great achievement that the Plan of Implementation of Johannesburg represents. Plan of Implementation Mr Chairman, allow me first a moment to extend to South Africa our warm congratulations and gratitude for outstanding leadership that made the World Summit in Johannesburg such a success. We express also to Indonesia, to the Secretary General of the WSSD, Mr Nitin Desai, to all their officials and colleagues words of admiration and appreciation. The WSSD represents a firm commitment to Agenda 21; Johannesburg as the pathway to implementing the agreements of Rio. The Plan of Johannesburg is assuredly the global plan of implementation. We must all now put it to the test of follow-up actions at all levels, including actions through the idea of partnership initiatives launched in Johannesburg. The significant feature of the Johannesburg Plan is the definition of implementation in terms of specific regions and areas of common characteristics. A necessary move to deal with specific needs and, therefore, more accurately to translate principle to meaningful action. We thus have a plan for Africa with focus on NEPAD, with provisions for other geographic regions as well. The specific Chapter VII on the sustainable development of small island developing States is, of course, especially welcomed by all the countries of AOSIS. On their behalf, I want to register here the gratitude of all small island States for the international support that is evident in those provisions. Barbados Programme of Action Chapter VII underscores the importance of the Barbados Programme of Action that is so critical for the sustainable development of our communities. Of particular importance is the agreement on a full and comprehensive review of the implementation of the Programme in 2004, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Barbados conference, and the recommendation of Johannesburg to the General Assembly to consider at this 57th session the convening of an international meeting for the sustainable development of small island developing States. We, the small island States, seek the kind support of the membership of this Committee to such a meeting. [We thank the representative of Venezuela for what he has said on the matter and the announcement of the support that is forthcoming from the Group of 77 and China]. Declining environmental quality The BPOA was the first global effort to show how Agenda 21 could be translated into action. It is entirely pertinent that it is dedicated to a group of front-line ecologically and economically vulnerable countries. The Programme of Barbados remains today, as true; the priorities identified as valid and, in many cases, more urgent. More urgent because the evidence from studies by UNEP and others points to a steady decline, sometimes serious, in environmental quality for all small island regions. Global environmental degradation is a driving force, exacerbated by urbanization, population, poverty, shortcomings with policies and governance and the other pressures that we share with all developing countries. Climate change Most formidably for small island countries, climate change is an additional problem that goes directly to the roots of their sustainability. This problem for small island communities is understated and seriously under-estimated by the international community. So, let me say it in clear terms. Climate change is not of our doing, and we look to the international community for urgent and meaningful action. One day, with perseverance and hope, the Kyoto Protocol will produce the desired results. Meantime, we need serious and intensified efforts on adaptation measures to minimise the vulnerabilities of our communities and to assist especially the small and low-lying island countries that are already in danger. There is no doubt that much stronger mitigation measures will be required, and we are seriously concerned about the lack of willingness among the developed countries to take on their rightful responsibilities. They cannot be unaware that human lives and livelihoods are already gravely at risk. Energy We consider the world’s energy system to be unsustainable. The current reliance on fossil fuels, like other forms of addiction, has serious negative effects on the environment. We believe that renewable energy holds out real promise, for both economic growth and environmental health. We further believe that significant improvement in the efficiency of production and use of energy is possible and indeed economically and environmentally beneficial. We had hoped in Johannesburg that there would be a target date for increasing the use of renewable energy, and were disappointed with the failure to reach agreement on this. However, as we said in Johannesburg, we fully support the EU initiative announced at the final plenary session. Oceans Matters relating to the oceans will probably need to be addressed at later meetings of the Committee. But let say that we are pleased with the provisions on oceans, seas, islands and coastal areas that were developed and agreed on in the Johannesburg Plan. The oceans and seas unite and they sustain. They are quite simply fundamental to life and to the culture of all islands. Capacity building Our assessment of progress continues to highlight the absolute and fundamental importance of capacity building to our future. The experience to date from the limited initiatives for capacity building funded through primarily through the Capacity 21 Trust Fund has resulted in impressive outcomes in the majority of countries, albeit on a modest scale. However, the challenge now is to develop and implement an initiative of significantly larger scale that is able to respond to the growing needs of capacity development that cuts across all sectors of sustainable development. This is certainly the case if we are to make a determined effort, as we all should, to faithfully implement the Plan of Johannesburg. We would acknowledge with appreciation the simply invaluable work in this area carried out by UNDP, by the GEF, UNEP and the World Bank. The AOSIS countries have benefited from these efforts and we look forward to participating in future activities. We should note, however, that a number of initiatives by various international organizations are all involved to some extent in capacity building efforts. In this respect, we would urge that consideration be given to minimising duplication, and to ensure the most efficient mechanism for the implementation of future activities. For small island States, regional cooperation is simply indispensable. The regional institutions and arrangements developed in all small island regions should obviously be utilized in connection with the activities and programmes for capacity building. Clearly, capacity building is an on-going and long-term investment. It is ranges from awareness-raising through basic education to scientific and technical training. The challenge is to ensure a system through partnerships for a global capacity building initiative, one delivered through effective regional and sub-regional institutions, and responsive to the immediate and long term needs of people throughout the developing world. Thank you
Sub Topic: SDGs
Forum: SC
Meeting: GA57